Our 120th Reunion is to be held
Saturday, July 26th, 2025
Reunion Theme: 


Heimwald park address is: 6581 Glatfelter Station Road, Seven Valleys, Pa. 17360 (for GPS location purposes only - No Mail)


Statement of Purpose: The Casper Glattfelder Association Of America's Board of Directors has responded to requests and inquiries suggesting a webpage for the sharing of information regarding the heritage of the family. It is our intent to one day have a complete family history online for research. We are, at present, including basic contact information concerning the many projects the family is involved in, including our yearly reunion.

Planning a visit to Glattfelden, Switzerland? Find some suggestions here.

Glattfelder descendants seeking Scholarships for higher education? Please visit our Scholarships page!

Please Note: Per the Charter of Incorporation granted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to this Association in 1910, Heimwald Park is to be alcohol-free. Kindly respect our governing document by not bringing alcoholic beverages into the Park.

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for the content of, or personal contact by sites which we may be linked to.
