2021 - 116th Annual Reunion
Our 116th Reunion
Saturday, July 31st, 2021
"The Glattfelders and their Patents"
The 116th annual Casper Glattfelder Association of America's Reunion is now history! We are very thankful for all who were able to attend the Reunion! We enjoyed beautiful weather, great fellowship, an interesting program, good food and the Brodbecks Band! We thank all those who had a hand in the preparations and making it happen! We were truly able to celebrate all of our blessings and rich Glattfelder Family Heritage this past Saturday!
We are thankful for work done on the presentation - two years in the making! Harry Gladfelter, Pat Donaldson, and John Glatfelter presented noting that a list of over 200 Glattfelder patents had been compiled, with more to be found! We look forward to "The Glattfelders and their Patents - Part 2" next year!!
A PDF of the Reunion Program: 116th Reunion Program
We had 81 people registered with 69 ordering a meal.
A pdf copy of the Presentation: "The Glattfelders and their Patents" may be found here.
More details of this reunion will be shared as they become available! Stay tuned! :-)
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